Mozambican Metical (MZN) Exchange Rates

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Todays (MZN) Exchange Rates

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MZN info
Mozambican Metical
Welcome! We display live MZN exchange rates. The currency of Mozambique is the Mozambican Metical. It’s code is MZN & the symbol is MT. You can get Metical news, rates, updates & charts by subscribing to our daily currency newsletter or live Metical currency conversion rates on the fly with our Currency App.
Currency: Mozambican Metical

Currency Symbol: MT

Most used notes: MT20, MT50, MT100, MT200, MT500, MT1000

Most used coins: MT1, MT2, MT5, MT10, 5, 10, 50

Central Bank: Banco de Moçambique
MZN info
Mozambican Metical
22nd August 2023
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